Hello 👋 My name is Amin Bashi

I transform companies into high-performing, customer-centric, design-driven, and product-led organizations 🚀

LinkedIn Profile 🇨🇦

I inspire people around a vision and motivate my team to excellence 🌟

CPO @Bloom | VP, Product @CareGuide | Product & Design @CrowdRiff | Product, Growth @Financeit | API TW @Google | Startups Lead @Shopify | Principal Lecturer @ProductSchool

Building the future, one lighthouse at a time

Product Design

Lead each design team as an integral part of how our product solves problems.

Product Management

Build a culture that continuously brings superior products to market.

Operational Excellence

Operate centeralized,strong organizational discipline and standardized systems.

Customer Success

Align the product development and executive focus around the needs of the users/customers.

My New Book: Design for Augmentation, Not Automation

Design For Augmentation, Not Automation

By Amin Bashi

Let's Get In Touch!